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Chase the sunset in our Twilight 10km race, offering a one lap course at twilight on Saturday 11 October. We welcome runners and walkers to enjoy this distance before kicking back to live music and entertainment at the finish line village.



DateSaturday 11 October
Start Time5:30pm
Start Location150m south of Queen Elizabeth Park, Coolangatta
Finish LocationQueen Elizabeth Park, Coolangatta
Course Cut Off2 Hours (7:30pm)
Minimum Age12 Years by race day

Timing results will be provided by age categories. The age categories are as follows: 18-19; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-69; 70+

All finishers will receive a Finisher Medal. Trophies will also be presented to 1st , 2nd and 3rd placing in each gender category overall.

No scooters, prams or race wheelchairs are to be used in the event due to the nature of the course. Running with dogs is also prohibited. For clarification on this please contact the Race Director via email at [email protected].

Drink stations will be positioned at 2.5km – 3km intervals and will carry water and Fixx Nutrition Fuel X sports drink.

Participants in the 50km event will also have access to CrampFix Shots and Gel X Pro Lemon Sorbet at drink stations. Please note, the number of gels and shots on course is limited and we recommend you carry your own supply.

We’ll have drinks on ice and snacks for you at the finish line in our recovery marquee.

Your entry includes finisher medal, participant shirt, race bib with chip timing.

You may opt to have your race bib posted to you ahead or the event for a fee of $10.95, or alternatively you can collect this from the registration marquee on Friday 10 October or Saturday 11 October.

On Friday 10 October race pack collection will be open from 3:00pm – 7:00pm.

On Saturday 11 October race pack collection is open from 9:00am – 7:30pm from the registration marquee, located within Queen Elizabeth Park. Please note there is strictly no collection of race packs on Sunday 12 October.

If you have already entered and would like to receive your race bib ahead of the event you can add the postage service (available until midnight September 5) to your existing entry via the Event Store Here.

Race bibs will be despatched in bulk 3-4 weeks ahead of the event. Participant shirts will be provided at the finish line.



This is a fast, flat, one lap course that rewards runners with some of the best ocean views around!

The course departs Queen Elizabeth Park in Coolangatta and follows the stunning Oceanway north to Tugun, before returning south to Coolangatta. Enjoy running this stunning stretch of coastline as you pass through the suburbs of Kirra, Bilinga, Tugun and Coolangatta. 

Upon returning to Coolangatta, you’ll head straight into the finish line within Queen Elizabeth Park and celebrate your achievements.

Participants will complete one lap of this course, complete with course marshals, medical support and drink stations throughout.
